Download Game Clash of Zombies 2 Free

Download Game Clash of Zombies 2 : selamat siang kawan, hari ini saya akan membagikan game clash of zombie, sebelum saya memberi tahu permainan apa ini, saya mau menyapa dulu kalian semua gimana kabarnya nih? baik baik aja kan, masih suka sama game yang penuh tantangan kan, coba aja ni sama game ini daripada kita nyantai, mendingan nyantai bareng ngegame pasti asyik banget kan.

Game  Clash of Zombies 2 ini tentunya butuh seorang yang bisa membela bumi karena banyak sekali zombie zombie yang akan menyerang kalian, dan kalian harus membutuhkan lebih banyak lagi pahlawan untuk menyerang zombie zombie yang ada. dan kamu harus menjadi pemimpin untuk melawan zombie zombie tersebut. okey silahkan di download sekarang game ini kawan.

Description :

Superheroes vs Zombies, shield the earth!
Dr.T has released a dreadful Virus that can flip regular human beings into zombies. Zombie outbreak, the end of the arena has all started...Agent Ms.M rushes to call Superheroes and building up a powerful army. As a commander, you have to lead Superheroes towards Zombies and Dr.T threatening. are you able to survive and shield the earth? Now it's to your fingers!
conflict of Zombies 2 is a zombie-themed loose-to-play mobile method game. Recruit from over 50 Heroes and their squads of mercenaries. combat and raid your manner to emerge as the arena's best Warlord. do that royal recreation, visit clash!

Fitur dari Game ini :

  • eleven specific zombie combating units with stages of enhancements
  • loose to Play! Log in to clash of Zombies 2 each day without spending a dime Superheroes and gemstones!
  • Play PVP online towards millions players worldwide! Create the last military and reinforce your impenetrable fort!
  • Lead Superheroes Zeus, Spider-man, Werewolf, typhoon goddess, Monkey King to struggle enemy armies!
  • with out training troops, you can recruit from over 50 Heroes and their squads of mercenaries!
  • team up with your buddies to form leagues, breed legendary monsters, donate troops, and dominate your enemies!

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